Acts 26:18 records Paul's divine mandate: "To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me." The word...
Delivered from Darkness: Authority in Colossians 1:13
Colossians 1:13 (KJV) reads: "Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son." The term "power" here translates from the Greek word exousia, meaning "authority." This distinction between "power" and...
Understanding John 1:12: Authority as Children of God
Understanding John 1:12: The Power of "Authority" John 1:12 (KJV) states: "But as many as received him, to them gave he the right to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name." The term "right" here translates to the Greek word exousia, which means...
“Does Right Standing Lead to Right Action? Find Out!”
Does right standing lead to right action or does right action lead to right standing? It may seem like “word salad” but does order matter? Are they the same thing, just placed in different order? Or is there a difference? Another way to think about this is whether...
Embracing the Heart of the Christian Faith
In the Christian faith, there’s a common tendency to reduce it to a list of do's and don’ts, turning it into a set of moralistic rules rather than a transformative relationship with Jesus. This approach, though well-intentioned, often misses the point and can lead to...
Living With Hope In Times Of Uncertainty
My second reasoning for embracing the pre-trib position is found in 2 Thessalonians. First and Second Thessalonians spoke to the uncertainties of those who lived in troubled times, with political persecution and economic hardship, mainly because of faith issues. It...
Is The Church Destined For the Tribulation?
Why have I switched to being a pre-trib? Some might think it was after some intense study of the subject, though I have studied Bible prophesy through the years. But my reasons tend to be simpler than that. I have held primarily two views over my adult life. The first...
A Story Of Faith And Hope
One of the defining moments of Silas' ministry took place in Philippi. After arriving in the city with Paul, they encountered a slave girl who could predict the future through a demonic spirit. For days, she followed them, proclaiming they were servants of God....
A Powerful Example of Unity and Resilience
The second missionary journey, recorded in Acts 15:40-18:22, marked a new chapter in the life and ministry of Paul and Silas. As Paul’s partner, Silas traveled through regions such as Syria, Cilicia, and Macedonia, working to strengthen the faith of existing...
The Life of Silas: A Ministry Gifted for the Gospel
Silas, also called Silvanus, emerges as one of the prominent yet often overlooked figures in the early Christian church. His life and ministry serve as a testament to his faithfulness, leadership, and spiritual giftings. The first recorded mention of Silas is...
Connect with Dave
Please know that I love to speak with my Father and to bring others before Him in prayer. I have this unfailing belief that He both hears and answers the prayers of His children.
Use the contact form to let me know how I might be of service to you.