Delivered from Darkness: Authority in Colossians 1:13

by | Jan 15, 2025 | Authority and Power | 1 comment

Colossians 1:13 (KJV) reads: “Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son.” The term “power” here translates from the Greek word exousia, meaning “authority.” This distinction between “power” and “authority” enriches our understanding of the passage and the believer’s position in Christ.

The Meaning of Exousia

The Greek word exousia refers to authority, jurisdiction, or the right to exercise control. While “power” in the sense of force or strength might suggest domination, “authority” emphasizes legitimate governance. The focus is not merely on raw power but on the rightful dominion of Christ and His kingdom over the forces of darkness.

What Authority Means in This Context

Paul’s declaration that believers are delivered from the authority of darkness highlights a profound shift in position and allegiance. Before salvation, humanity is under the jurisdiction of darkness, subject to its influence and dominion. However, through Christ, believers are rescued from this realm and transferred into the kingdom of God’s Son. This transfer is not just a change in location but a complete transformation in identity and authority.

By using “authority,” the passage assures believers that darkness no longer has legitimate claim over their lives. The kingdom of Christ is a realm of light, truth, and divine rule, where believers are not merely subjects but co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17).

The distinction between “power” and “authority” deepens the believer’s understanding of their victory in Christ. While darkness may wield influence, it lacks the authority to enslave those who are in Christ. This realization empowers believers to resist temptation, break free from spiritual oppression, and walk confidently in their new identity.

Understanding “authority” shifts the focus from fear to faith. Believers are no longer victims of a chaotic power struggle but participants in a kingdom where Christ reigns supreme. The forces of darkness may still attempt to influence, but they cannot override the authority granted by God.

Living in the Authority of Christ

The authority of Christ is a reminder of the believer’s secure position in His kingdom. It calls for a life of confidence, not in personal strength but in the legitimacy of Christ’s rule. This authority invites believers to live victoriously, standing firm against the schemes of darkness and embracing the fullness of life in the light of Christ.

By grasping the true meaning of exousia, believers find not only assurance but also purpose in their relationship with God. They are called to live as ambassadors of His kingdom, reflecting His light in a world still under the shadow of darkness.


1 Comment

  1. Joyce Smith

    The paragraph with dark print says it all. Thank you.


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Dave Griggs, MDiv

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