Keswick Movement

Want to go deeper in your relationship with Christ? Pay close attention to the Main Steps.

(1) The prompt renunciation of what is known or even suspected to be contrary to the will of God. Conscience must be first of all clean and clear of conscious, disobedience or neglect of duty. Hindrances to holy living must be abandoned.

(2) The acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ not only as Savior but as Lord. A new surrender to the will of God which practically enthrones Him as sovereign. The self-life sacrificed with its self-indulgence and self-dependence.

(3) Obedience now becomes the watchword of the soul. The will of God being voluntarily enthroned, compliance with it becomes habitual and natural, and service to God the supreme end of one’s being.

(4) This prepares for close and constant fellowship with God. Communion ceases to be occasional and clouded, and the great promise of John xiv : 23 becomes increasingly real in experience.

(5) The sense of Divine possession of one’s entire being spirit, soul, and body is the natural outcome of such conditions. When there is no longer any conscious reservation, the whole being joyfully yielded up to Him, we become consciously His own.

(6) There is now a new joy and peace which passes understanding, a new revelation of Christ as an indwelling presence, and a true infilling of the Holy Ghost.

(7) All this fits for the largest possible service to God and man. God gives to all truly consecrated believers the scepter of holy influence. The Living Water which was first a draught to quench thirst, and then a well or spring of life within, now becomes a stream, flowing out and multiplying into rivers of blessing. This is the last stage of the victorious Life, the stage of victorious power over sin, prevailing power in prayer, and witnessing power among men.

The Keswick Movement in Precept and Practice – Arthur Pierson


The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life

THE KESWICK CONVENTION – Charles Harford (Its Message, Its Method and Its Men)

Account Of The Union Meeting (For The Promotion Of Scriptural Holiness)

The Rest Of Faith – A.B. Earle

The Life That Wins – Charles G. Trumbull

The Baptism of the Holy Ghost – Asa Mahan






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