The More Of Life

by | May 5, 2017 | missions | 0 comments

I am writing this blog from Managua, Nicaragua. I have had the privilege of spending a few days with an amazing and gifted family who have a heart and passion to bring life change to the people they serve. Managua shows all the signs of cultural changes that many in first world countries take for granted. But then the stark contrast sets in as one moves beyond the city limits, beyond the tourist areas and even beyond the international company areas and sees what we call “the real story”.  Small tin covered dwellings housing families, sometimes large families. Crops not producing bounty because of lack of rain over a three year period. Wells and fresh water inadequate to sustain herds and livestock. People eking out a living as best they can, waiting and hoping for a brighter tomorrow.

The change agents I mention serve their people on three levels. They are concerned about the spiritual state of people, about those trapped in addictions, those victimized by the evil of predators, those who can’t seem to break the cycle of poverty and offering them hope in a God who is not silent to their sufferings. These tireless workers are concerned about the emotional and physical health, providing nutritional support for children through their feeding centers,  educating and clothing and caring for families. Finally, they provide practical support by helping the poor become entrepreneurs and business owners. The hopes and dreams that many have lie dormant until awakened, until someone who believes “the more of life” mentors them and comes alongside as they pursue their God-given dreams.

Personally I do what I do because people chose to believe in me, to come alongside of me and to encourage me when the path seemed dark and unknown. They called me to “the more of life“, to give my life in service to others. And in so doing I have met many amazing people. When among these, I am truly humbled by their sacrifices in service to others.

Yet we cannot; we must not be silent to the cries of the poor and suffering. There is so much more to do, so many more needing our help.

“The only thing they asked us to do was to remember the poor, the very thing which I was eager to do”(Gal.2:10).


Failed crops

homes of the poor

Pastor Pablo


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Please know that I love to speak with my Father and to bring others before Him in prayer. I have this unfailing belief that He both hears and answers the prayers of His children.
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Dave Griggs, MDiv

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