How to Live The Victorious Life

by | Aug 21, 2024 | Deeper Life | 1 comment


“Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth” Psalm 86:11 

Excerpts From Charles Trumbell: Hear, Learn and Live These Truths

There is only one life that truly wins, and that is the life of Jesus Christ. Every person has the opportunity to experience this life, not just in terms of being Christ-like, receiving Christ’s help, or having power from Christ, but something much greater.

Understanding the Life That Wins

The essence of living the victorious life of Jesus Christ goes beyond merely aspiring to be like Him or seeking His assistance. It means experiencing Christ within us, making Him our very life.

To explain this profound concept, let me share a personal experience. For years, I struggled with failure, disobedience, and falling short of what I knew Christ expected of me. Despite these struggles, I hoped for something better but did not know how to attain it. Through God’s patience and mercy, I eventually discovered a new experience of Christ that transformed my life.

My Spiritual Fluctuations

  1. Fluctuating Fellowship with God: My spiritual life was inconsistent. Sometimes I felt close to God, elevated by spiritual events or duties, but this feeling would not last. I longed for a stable, high level of fellowship with God, as I saw in some other Christians.
  2. Struggles with Besetting Sins: Despite my efforts and prayers, I failed to overcome certain sins consistently. I believed Christ could grant habitual victory, but I did not experience it.
  3. Lack of Spiritual Power: Although I engaged in Christian work, the results were minimal. I desired a dynamic, convincing spiritual power that could transform lives, as I saw in others.

Discovering a New Conception of Christ

Over time, I realized some people had a deeper understanding of Christ, which I lacked. This realization began when I heard a powerful sermon on Ephesians 4:12-13, which spoke of growing into the fullness of Christ. I encountered this deeper understanding through various experiences.

One day I came to know another minister whose work among men had been greatly blessed. I learned from him that what he counted his greatest spiritual asset was his habitual consciousness of the actual presence of Jesus. Nothing so bore him up, he said, as the realization that Jesus was always with him in actual presence, and that this was so, independent of his own feelings, independent of his deserts, and independent of his own notions as to how Jesus would manifest His Presence.

Moreover, he said that Christ was the home of his thoughts. Whenever his mind was free from other matters, it would turn to Christ and he would talk aloud to Christ when he was alone — on the street, anywhere — as easily and naturally as to a human friend. So real to him was Jesus’ actual presence.

The Turning Point

The turning point came when I earnestly prayed for a new understanding of Christ. I studied Philippians 1:21 (For me to live is Christ) and asked God for this deeper experience. God, in His infinite love, granted me a new conception of Christ, which changed everything.

Wherein was the change? It is hard to put it into words, and yet it is, oh, so new, and real, and wonderful, and miracle-working in both my own life and the lives of others.

Living the Life That Wins

I realized that the references to Christ in the New Testament were literal facts, not figures of speech. Jesus Christ became my very life, not just an external savior or helper. This meant that I no longer needed to ask Him for help but to let Him live and work through me.

  • Fellowship with God: My relationship with God became consistent and profound.
  • Victory Over Sin: I experienced habitual victory over sins that previously defeated me.
  • Spiritual Power in Service: My Christian service became fruitful, transforming the lives of those around me.

And that is how I know for myself that there is a life that wins; that it is the life of Jesus Christ; and that it may be our life for the asking, if we let Him — in absolute, unconditional surrender of ourselves to Him, our wills to His will, making Him the Master of our lives as well as our Saviour — enter in, occupy us, overwhelm us with Himself, yea, fill us with Himself “unto all the fullness of God.”

Jesus Christ desires to be our life, not just our helper. By surrendering to Him and believing in His victory over sin, we can experience a winning life. This life is characterized by continuous fellowship with God, habitual victory over sin, and powerful, transformative service.

The Conditions for Receiving Christ as Our Life

  1. Absolute Surrender: Surrender completely to Christ, allowing His will to be done in every aspect of our lives.
  2. Faith in Freedom from Sin: Believe that God has already set us free from the law of sin through Jesus Christ.

Christ Himself is the ultimate blessing, greater than any power, victory, or service He grants. By embracing Him fully, we can live the victorious life that wins.


Note: this experience outlined above is not for the spiritually elite but available to all who would desire to go deeper in their walk with Christ. Excerpts taken from “The Life That Wins” by Charles Trumbull. Message me if you want to know more.

1 Comment

  1. Joyce Smith

    Life events have a way of making us want a change. For me, it was probably the death of my daughter and husband…. living alone with time to think. I have always been a Christian, but now I was able to devote more time to indepth reading of the Bible and prayer. Christ is always with me, and gives me surprises (blessings) every day as I continue to thank Him for the lives of my loved ones. Life is easy and joyful! So great to read that you’re growing, and learning, with God as your guide, and thank you for your witness.


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Please know that I love to speak with my Father and to bring others before Him in prayer. I have this unfailing belief that He both hears and answers the prayers of His children.
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Dave Griggs, MDiv

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