The Life Of Saul: From Student To Persecutor

Saul of Tarsus, later known as the Apostle Paul, stands as one of the most influential figures in early Christianity. His life journey, marked by fervent zeal and dramatic transformation, began with his rigorous education and culminated in his role as a fierce...

Saul’s Transformative Journey of Faith and Tradition

    In the bustling city of Tarsus, nestled in the region of Cilicia, a significant rite of passage unfolded for a young boy named Saul. At the tender age of 13, Saul was about to become a "son of the commandment" through the sacred ceremony of his Bar...

Saul’s Journey To Jerusalem

  Saul left Tarsus of Cilicia, possibly in his later teens, to study in Jerusalem under the renown Gamaliel. This trip, which Saul likely undertook by boat, was not merely a physical voyage but a passage towards his future as one of the most influential figures...

Crafting Faith With Ministry

The Importance Of Teaching Our Children Well In Jewish tradition, fathers taught their sons a trade to ensure they could provide for themselves and their families. This practice emphasized the importance of work and...

Gamaliel’s Influence On The Apostle Paul

Gamaliel was a highly esteemed figure in Jewish history, is described by the historian Josephus as coming from a "very illustrious" family. He was the grandson of the great rabbi Hillel the Elder, who founded the most lenient version of Pharisaism. As Hillel’s...

God’s Quill: Transforming Your Life

Every individual is a unique thread woven into the grand design of life. Our stories unfold, marked by various themes—some uplifting, others shadowed by the struggles of human experience. Experience the profound intersection of our lives and the divine narrative. We...

Patience Unveiled: The Story of The Father Who Waits

Jesus tells the story, in Luke 15, about the prodigal son who wanted to experience life apart from the family with no restrictions, no rules, and no accountability. Live as he wished, spend as he could and enjoy life as he wanted, at least until the money ran out. In...

Knowing God Makes The Difference!

A casual reading through the prophets, like Hosea, could leave one with the impression that they are killjoys, being the epitome of pessimism gone rampant. "Poor players who strut and fret their hour upon the stage … idiots, full of sound and fury but signifying...

Who Will Carry The Prophetic Mantle?

Have you ever wondered what happened to Hosea's children? I'm sure that it was not easy growing up in an environment that was hostile to Hosea's message and especially carrying names that reflected that message. Jezreel - God sows; Lo-Ruhamah - No mercy; Lo-Ammi - Not...

Connect with Dave

Please know that I love to speak with my Father and to bring others before Him in prayer. I have this unfailing belief that He both hears and answers the prayers of His children.
Use the contact form to let me know how I might be of service to you.

Dave Griggs, MDiv