Keep On Adding

One of my passions is learning new skills. This summer I learned how to upload FTP (File Transfer Protocol) for my radio programming, then how to apply the macro settings to convert the files into MP3 using Audacity. This alone saved me a ton of work. I have recently...

When Is Religion Useless?

An article was written seeking to cast doubt on Mother Teresa’s charitable work in India. The authors claim that she glorified poverty, subjected the poor to unsanitary conditions and misused the monies given to this charitable endeavor. They state that the pontiff...

Is It Worth It?

When Blood, Sweat and Tears sang, "What goes up, must come down," I don't think they were talking about weight loss because what goes up really doesn't like coming down. I have been on a mission, to transform my lifestyle by replacing a more sedentary lifestyle with...

Forging New Habits

We are all creatures of habit, some good and some not so good. Many times we don't even think about what we are doing or why we are doing things this or that way. It has become so ingrained within, almost second nature to who we are. I've often wondered, in our...

Connect with Dave

Please know that I love to speak with my Father and to bring others before Him in prayer. I have this unfailing belief that He both hears and answers the prayers of His children.
Use the contact form to let me know how I might be of service to you.

Dave Griggs, MDiv