Why have I switched to being a pre-trib? Some might think it was after some intense study of the subject, though I have studied Bible prophesy through the years. But my reasons tend to be simpler than that. I have held primarily two views over my adult life. The first is what is casually called the “pan tribulation” view, which, in Doris Day lingo, is que sera, what will be, will be. It will happen when it happens. The second view I held was “post-tribulation”, which basically means that the church will go through all the same mess as everyone else, only to be ultimately redeemed at the end.
The prophetic scriptures teach that there will be a seven year stretch in which the antichrist, a human world ruler, though possessed by Satan himself, will be revealed. He will seek to impose his satanic rule over the world and especially over the nation of Israel. The first three and a half years will be one of relative peace. The latter three and a half will bring persecution against the nation of Israel and chaos, culminating in the battle of Armageddon and the return of Jesus, riding on a great white horse and followed by the armies of heaven (Rev. 19:11ff).
Yet prior to these events occurring, the question often asked is what happens to His church, to the true believers in Christ? The very phrasing of the question implies that not everyone will enter into the Kingdom of heaven (Read Matthew 7:21-23). Will the church go through the same deep, troubled times as others? Again, my reasoning is very simple. I am aware that others may disagree with me and that’s okay. God has the ultimate say regardless of how one views this subject.
Just prior to Jesus’ crucifixion, He taught His disciples in John 14:15ff (you can read the fuller context around this verse) that “I will ask the Father and He will send another Paraclete to you that He might be with you forever. The Spirit of truth … I will not leave you orphaned … He remains with you and will be in you.” Paraclete means One who comes alongside, but not only alongside. “He will be with you and will be in you”. The Spirit of truth was sent by the Father, at Jesus’ request, to be with believers: teaching, convicting, and revealing Jesus.
The key words for me are: “with you forever … remains with you … will be in you.” There is a second key verse that ties this together for me but more of that in the next blog.
Karl Barth once said, “Take your Bible and take your newspaper, and read both. But interpret newspapers from your Bible.”
The Bible is clear. Jesus is returning for His church. The events seem to be lining up as prophesy has predicted. The question for you really is: “Are you ready to meet Him when He does comes?”
To answer your last question, YES, I am more than ready. As old age comes, and my end gets closer, it is very exciting to go ‘travelling’. I have always been pre-trib but also trust Him to carry out His plans according to His word, and in His timing. Thanks to God for His promise that He will never leave us and sent His Spirit to be with us as we wait….