“The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and His ear unto their requests.” (I Peter 3:12)
Have you ever had the experience, while worshipping God, of hearing another voice joining in as you praise? You recognize that voice. You look for that familiar face and then you pause. It’s a voice you have not heard for a long time, a loved one who passed from this world into His eternal presence. You think to yourself, “Am I hearing something that isn’t there? Am I just longing to once more sing with someone I loved so dearly in life?” But the voice is unmistakable. As a tear trickles down the cheek your voice rises even higher in praise, “Blessing and honour and glory and power, Be to Him who sits upon the throne, And to the Lamb, forever and ever” (Rev.5:13).
“The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous; His eyes go to and fro in all the earth; to show Himself strong towards a people who hearts are set upon Him.” (2 Chron.16:9).
As you lift your voice in praise, as you move beyond simply words, you find yourself caught up in the Spirit as you worship, (those who have experienced such know what I mean). His eye no longer goes to and fro but centers, becomes focused on the heart that is set upon Him. Suddenly you become very aware of His presence, knowing that He has been waiting for you, seeking you out (Jn.4:23). In that moment you know you are not alone for “The Lord your God is with you . . . that He is taking great delight in you . . . that He rejoices over you with singing” (Zeph.3:17). Around you, beside you, behind you other voices, like a mighty choir, like the sound of rushing waters, fills the air with praise. “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, To receive power and riches and wisdom, And strength and honour and glory and blessing” (Rev.5:12). And with Moses (Ex.3:5), with Joshua (Josh.5:15), you slip off your shoes for the place you are standing is holy. God is very present. You are in the presence of Majesty!
In that moment you become well aware that the LORD God is your sun and shield; that He gives grace and glory; that no good thing does He withhold from those that walk uprightly (Ps.84:11). “His ear is open to your requests” (1 Pet. 3:12). But what would you ask? What would you request of Him? Wealth, fame, power?
And then your eye centers on the banner that is set high over the place of worship. “One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek Him in His temple” (Ps.27:4). That’s it. Nothing compares to His presence. “You have tasted and known that the Lord, He is good” (Ps.38:4). He has “filled your heart with greater joy than those who abound in new wine and harvests” (Ps.4:7). “Christ Jesus has become for you wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption” (1 Cor.1:30). He truly becomes your life, your all in all, your hope in glory (Col.1:27).
In these days of uncertainty, “we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the midst of the sea” (Ps. 46:2). We will not seek out those who “wear pride like a necklace, who are clothed in garments of violence, who mock and speak malice and with arrogance threaten oppression” (Ps.73:6-8). To do so we would find ourselves being “untrue to the generation of our children” (Ps.73:15). It is in the presence of God that we understand, that we truly gain perspective (Ps.73:15); for only “He can make known to us the path of life; only in His presence is fulness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Ps.16:11).
Great words to live by!