There are times that I need to remind myself that God has not changed and that what was recorded in the Bible still happens today. We can get into the circumstances of our lives and accept that what we see is “just the way it always will be”. Our vision can become cloudy, our thoughts confused and our faith stymied. Doubt and discouragement then become constant companions, seeking to convince us that they are the purveyors of truth, when they so often contradict the truths of God Word.
I am reminded of four friends who are convinced that Jesus has the solution, the only solution, to their friend’s need. He is incapable of walking, crippled by paralysis and in need of others. I wonder how often he wished life to be different? I wonder how often we wish that life could be different?
Jesus sat in a house, as the crowds gathered inside, outside and wherever they could find space to listen to His teachings. People from all walks of life were there: religious leaders, the wealthy, the artisans, the poor. All came to listen; some came to criticize.
These four came for another reason. They knew that Jesus alone had the answer for what their friend needed. But how can they get their friend to Jesus? The interior is crowded. The exterior is crammed with people. There simply is no way in.
They had a choice to make. You have a choice to make. Give up and wait for another day? Allow circumstances to hinder? Be swayed by the crowds? Or find a solution?
They chose the latter. Making their way to the roof, they removed the tiles and lowered their friend to the feet of Jesus. The Bible says that “the power of the Lord was present to heal them”, to heal their friend. I can imagine that Jesus paused, the people paused as this sight unfolded before them. A stretcher being lowered by men, who believed that Jesus would not only show compassion to their friend but that He would bring healing to him. All watched and waited to see what would happen.
You can read the text in Luke 5: 17-26. Not only did Jesus forgive this man’s sins but healed him of his paralysis. The crowd, that would not part earlier to let him in, now parted as he walked through them, into his new found freedom. The four greeted their friend, as they laughed together and went forth, “glorifying God”.
I wonder how many of us are willing to take the roof off of our doubts and discouragements and let faith to believe be lowered to the feet of Jesus. And not just faith to believe that something may happen but faith to believe that the miraculous can and will happen.
Are you struggling to find the faith to believe, whatever your need might be? Are you more given to doubt and despair, than faith and hope? Let others help carry you, who will believe with you and even at times for you, forĀ “all things are possible to those who believe.”
Faith Can Heal, Faith In God To Heal, Faith That Heal, Faith To Heal The Sick, The Power Of Faith To Heal