I have read of those who have succeeded in climbing to the top of Mt. Everest and been awed by the beauty of the landscape unfolding before them. Some have spoken of the absolute silence that surrounds the climbers. No noise. No voices. No sirens. Just pure silence.
There have been those moments when I have longed for such silence, when the distractions, the noise and the din of my life or the lives around me are muted. You have as well, longing for those tranquil and serene moments of silence.
The Scriptures speak of “being still and knowing that I am God” (Ps. 46:10). But in a world of noise and confusion is this even possible? Can we find those moments of silence, of stillness and be awed by His presence, as the climbers are by the majesty of Everest?
The Christian mystics understood, that even in a world of noise, they could find that place of inner solitude, of silence. They knew that this could never be achieved from the outside in, where noise often comes like a crushing storm upon the soul. No, this could only be found from the inside out, where the spirit is at perfect rest, bringing the soul (mind, emotions, will) into that same rest.
Sometimes we think that these people had nothing else to do in life but sit in a cave or in a monastery and meditate. But for us, well, our lives are too busy; there is too much we must do. We have not the time to find that same place of stillness. Yet without finding it, can we ever be awed by such majesty, by such presence? Is it unrealistic to think that we could find that place of inner serenity, where all is at rest?
Our experience often is this. We sit down, hoping to still the soul, to find that inner place of silence, but the mind races and the external clamors for attention. The harder we try to push out those winds of noise, the more the gale force winds assail us. Finally, we succumb and convince ourselves that, though others may speak of achieving this, for us it is only unrealistic dream. Self-talk can be so debilitating to our spirits when the mind speaks louder than what the Scriptures teach.
So is it possible to still the mind, to bring one’s thought under control, so that we might hear the sounds of stillness, to know and be awed by His majesty? The answer is yes but it often requires what few are willing to do: self-discipline and self-control. Oh, not that, some will say? I want an easier path, a shorter route to a deeper walk with Christ but self-discipline?
Yet it is in this place, when the spirit is at rest that we can truly know Him who is from the beginning, in all of His glory. If your heart be as my heart and your deepest desire is to be still and truly know that He is God, then journey with me for “deep calls unto deep”.