Wisdom In Financial Status

There are various similarities with the France of the late 1700's and the day we live in. One of these was the financial disparity that existed between the privileged few (1%) and the majority of the people. The "Dragon's Den" of the 1700's saw the wealthy who...

The Devil Made Me Do It. Really?

Those of us who are more vintage in years remember the classic statement by Flip Wilson whenever he did something wrong, "the devil made me do it". There is this sense of seeking to find something or someone external to us who must be the instigator for us doing what...

Eating Crow

I played hockey in college. I wasn't the greatest player but worked hard and scored my share of goals. I was also the team chaplain and would lead the group in asking for divine help to give a positive witness by playing well and by the rules. As the game would unfold...

When Is Religion Useless?

An article came out this week seeking to cast doubt on Mother Teresa's charitable work in India. The authors claim that she glorified poverty, subjected the poor to unsanitary conditions and misused the monies given to this charitable endeavor. They state that the...

Mercy Always Wins In The End

I have a friend who is a lawyer. Apart from learning many things from my esteemed friend I have learned this principle. He once told me that pure justice is exacting and merciless. What pure justice is concerned about is applying the letter of the law to whatever the...

Faith In Action

We were 3000 miles from family, attending school in Oregon. Married, with a young child, neither of us were able to work in the States but supported ourselves financially through student loans and whatever monies we had been able to put away for this endeavor. By...

My Two Cents Worth

Today I had a casual conversation with a cashier who had just gotten "chewed out". A customer was upset because the cashier could not give her any pennies in her change. The government's new policy came into effect that is working towards eliminating pennies. As such...

Connect with Dave

Please know that I love to speak with my Father and to bring others before Him in prayer. I have this unfailing belief that He both hears and answers the prayers of His children.
Use the contact form to let me know how I might be of service to you.

Dave Griggs, MDiv