The Grace Of Giving

by | Mar 9, 2021 | Deeper Life | 0 comments

Casa de Fe, Ecuador

We tend to like our acronyms because they are an easy way for us to remember truths laid out in a systematic way. For example, take ACTS as it relates to prayer. A – Adoration; C – Confession; T -Thanksgiving; S – Supplication. Another that many of us are familiar with is GRACE: God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. You may have heard this one. BIBLE – Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. I’ve always struggled with trying to remember the order of the nations the ancient Israelites encountered on the east side of the Jordan. The word AME works well for me: A – Ammonites; M – Moabites; E – Edomites. I just have to remember the order, from north to south. But not everything works in a fine package. Sometimes lists are just that, lists. The only way to really remember them is the old fashion way, repetition and recall, until they become firmly fixed in the mind.

The apostle Paul, in 2 Corinthians 8:7, gives us such a list that would be good for us to memorize. In the previous verses he has extolled the virtues of the Macedonian church, that even in their deep poverty they were eager to share in the sufferings of others. In fact they pleaded with Paul to be included in the offering for the saints in Jerusalem who were ravaged by famine (4-5). They could only move beyond their own need by first focusing on God (they gave themselves to God) and then on others (then to us by the will of God). It is my experience that even small sums, when given to God and anointed by the Spirit can have greater impact than large sums that are only given out of one’s surplus.

Now this is where the list comes into play. “But as you abound in everything”. The saints in Macedonia were not abundant in material possessions, as made clear by the passage. Their abundance lay elsewhere, in virtues that surpass the transient nature of this world. They abounded in faith, in word, in knowledge, in all diligence and especially in their love for not just Paul but others. I think of faith and love as bookends, holding together the other three. Faith in God and love (agape) towards others are outward expressions, while word and knowledge and diligence are inward expressions of the maturing process.

It’s fascinating that the apostle adds a sixth. “That you might abound/increase in this grace”. What grace does he refer to? The grace of giving. In fact the essence of these two chapters (8-9) treats giving as an act of grace. You might think of this as the practical side of faith and love. Do you remember what he said about these saints in vs. 4? They begged for the opportunity to share in this ministry to the saints. Faith in God and love for others always has practical implications.

So how can we grow in these virtues? Commit them to heart, meditate on them and ask God how He might use you as expressions of His grace to others.

May you be richly blessed in all things and be a blessings to others!

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Please know that I love to speak with my Father and to bring others before Him in prayer. I have this unfailing belief that He both hears and answers the prayers of His children.
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Dave Griggs, MDiv

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