When Passion Ignites

by | Nov 23, 2018 | Goals | 0 comments

Maybe I just can’t relate. As I watch from the balcony and warmth of my condo, fishermen will brave all weather conditions for the joy of landing a salmon or steelhead or jumbo perch. Now I can understand sitting in a boat when the weather is warm and the gentle breezes blowing. But really? It’s cold outside, the wind bites into the skin, even with the layers of clothing and these fishermen are on the waters from early morning till late afternoon. Where’s the fun in this?

And then it happens.

The line goes taut, as other lines are quickly reeled in. The net is lowered and the fish brought into the boat, with congratulations and slaps on the back all around. The long day’s wait, the constant tossing  of the bait and the reward for persistence and determination.

But then, maybe I can relate.  I have known those times when persistence, repetition and determination to succeed paid off. Like the marathon runner pushing through the pain and refusing to give up, a dogged determination to succeed speaks louder than the immediate. As the goal draws near, the heart pulses with anticipation, the eyes bulge with expectancy and the prize is finally within reach. 

Honestly, many give up too soon

How about you? When the going gets tough and the obstacles seem insurmountable, does your passion to succeed speak louder than the desire to quit?  The long, anticipated prize is worth the many hours of sacrifice and who knows what passion you will ignite in others because of your refusal to quit.




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Please know that I love to speak with my Father and to bring others before Him in prayer. I have this unfailing belief that He both hears and answers the prayers of His children.
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Dave Griggs, MDiv

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