''WHOSE DEBTORS WE ARE" With generous hands they paid the price, Unconscious of the cost; But we must gauge the sacrifice By all that they have lost. The joy of young, adventurous ways, Of keen and undimmed sight; The eager tramp through sunny days. The dreamless...
Feeling Unappreciated?
I live in the beautiful Niagara Region, an area rich in history. There are two people of note among historical figures: Laura Secord and Isaac Brock. Laura Secord is known for her walk to warn FitzGibbons of an impending attack by the Americans. General Isaac Brock is...
Salute To Nurses
I recently read a biography on Edith Cavell, a Red Cross nurse who was executed by the Germans in October, 1915. She had been born near Norwich, England to an English vicar. Raised with a strong sense of duty, she had opportunity to study early in her life in Brussels...
Connect with Dave
Please know that I love to speak with my Father and to bring others before Him in prayer. I have this unfailing belief that He both hears and answers the prayers of His children.
Use the contact form to let me know how I might be of service to you.