The Fruit of Unconditional Love

The Implications of Agape The implications of agape are profound for our lives as Christians. If we are called to love others with a selfless and sacrificial love, then this must shape how we think and act towards others. As Jesus says, “By this everyone will know...

Breaking The Tit For Tat

"Do not repay evil for evil, or cursing for cursing. Rather blessings because unto this you were called that you might inherit a blessing" (1 Peter 3:9) The world seems to be exploding in anger, expressing itself in violence, hatred, spite, and bitterness. The nightly...

Is It Worth It?

When Blood, Sweat and Tears sang, "What goes up, must come down," I don't think they were talking about weight loss because what goes up really doesn't like coming down. I have been on a mission, to transform my lifestyle by replacing a more sedentary lifestyle with...

Run Like A Tortoise

Does the tortoise always win? The reference is to Aesop's fable in that famous race between the hare and the tortoise. The hare, who clearly outdistances his opponent, decides that his lead is sufficient and he can now take a nap. Yet the tortoise maintains his pace...


I just returned from a quick trip to Nicaragua and Guatemala. I got to meet some amazing people. I am reminded of these who are living out the principles that Jesus taught. Feeding and clothing the poor; caring for the sick; visiting those in prison; helping those...

Vimy Ridge – April 9, 1917

''WHOSE DEBTORS WE ARE" With generous hands they paid the price, Unconscious of the cost; But we must gauge the sacrifice By all that they have lost. The joy of young, adventurous ways, Of keen and undimmed sight; The eager tramp through sunny days. The dreamless...

Feeling Unappreciated?

I live in the beautiful Niagara Region, an area rich in history. There are two people of note among historical figures: Laura Secord and Isaac Brock. Laura Secord is known for her walk to warn FitzGibbons of an impending attack by the Americans. General Isaac Brock is...

Gotta Live It

I have to confess that there is much that I do not understand. Maybe it's the wisdom of the years that causes me to be less dogmatic. This translates even into faith issues for me. It's not that I don't understand the content of what is often stated. It's just that I...

Connect with Dave

Please know that I love to speak with my Father and to bring others before Him in prayer. I have this unfailing belief that He both hears and answers the prayers of His children.
Use the contact form to let me know how I might be of service to you.

Dave Griggs, MDiv