With A Heart Of Gratitude

by | Aug 12, 2016 | Goals | 0 comments

No LimitationsI am indebted to many people who have been instrumental in my journey. Each has enriched my life in ways that only eternity will unfold. I think of two in particular this morning.

Mona McKeown was a professor at Aldersgate College. Though teaching different subjects, one impacted me most. She taught Creative Writing, a course in which students could learn the various skills of writing. We learned that creative writing is more than just words on a page. It is a craft, a learned skill. Words, nuances, genres, backstories are all essential to the developing of plots and story lines.

Brad Allison, a lawyer friend, challenged me many years ago to find what I am passionate about and then write about that passion. I haven’t forgotten those words but got too busy about life. I have returned to his advice.

I decided two years ago to take up pen and paper, actually Word and computer, and to begin to pursue what I love most to do. I enjoy history and story telling. Recently, as we walked through Westminster Cathedral in London, I thought it more reminded me of a mausoleum than a church. Yet each historical figure buried there has a story to tell, a plot line to unfold as bards take up pen and paper to capture the next generations with tales of their intrigues, heroics, betrayals, love.

My first novel, Hitler’s Secret Papers, though written in historical fiction and never minimizing the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime, sought to show the events leading to the war and those who were the financial backers. My belief is that the real power is found with the financiers. Follow the money trail and it will lead you to where the power is. Little has changed in our day. Power is not in the politicians, though they like to think so. Let the money dry up and see where it leaves them.

My second novel, about half completed, is a story of love and intrigue, set in pre-war 1812. I am having a blast, taking historical facts, and wrapping them into a story. What is amazing about creative writing is that you can lay out your plot and yet, as you write, find that it takes on a life of its own. You must follow the creativity and see where it takes you. What an adventure!

You could maybe help me. It is always helpful to have “outside eyes” to see if there is consistency in the story line, proper nuances and even grammatical correctness. If interested in being my eyes, let me know.

Our lives have been intricately woven by those who have helped create this beautiful tapestry that is so much of who we are. With each thread woven, each knot tied, each piece added we are, as the Bible teaches, “Fearfully and wonderfully made”.

For this, and for many other things, I am so grateful.



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Please know that I love to speak with my Father and to bring others before Him in prayer. I have this unfailing belief that He both hears and answers the prayers of His children.
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Dave Griggs, MDiv

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